Background and purpose: Patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) pretreated with antithrombotic drugs may have increased early hematoma growth, which would increase mortality risk. The effect of antiplatelet (AP) and vitamin K antagonist (VKA) pretreatment on ultra-early hematoma growth (uHG) and its relationship with mortality in patients with acute supratentorial ICH was analyzed.
Methods: This is an observational retrospective study of a prospective register of 197 ICH patients with first computed tomography (CT) scan taken <6 h from ICH symptom onset. ICH volume was calculated by the ABC/2 formula and uHG by the baseline ICH volume/onset-to-CT time (ml/h) formula. The uHG analysis took into account the patient's pretreatment (none, AP or VKA) and the relationship between uHG and very-early (first 24 h) and 3-month mortality.
Results: In the pretreatment group, 50 (25.4%) patients were treated with AP and 37 (18.8%) with VKA. The median (interquartile range 25-75) uHG was 19.7 ml/h (2.9-44.8) for AP pretreated patients, 16.2 ml/h (5.1-42.5) for VKA pretreated patients and 8.4 ml/h (2.4-21.8) for non-pretreated patients, P = 0.019. The uHG was higher in patients with very-early [42.1 ml/h (20.1-79.6)] and total 3-month mortality [28.0 ml/h (15.8-52.5)] compared with survivors [3.9 ml/h (1.5-10.4)], P < 0.0001. Adjusted by ICH severity and previous functional status, uHG was an independent factor related to very-early (P = 0.028) and total 3-month mortality (P = 0.014).
Conclusions: Patients pretreated with antithrombotics have much higher uHG, which would explain the increased mortality in these patients compared to untreated patients.
Keywords: anticoagulant drugs; antiplatelet agents; cerebral hemorrhage; mortality; prognosis.
© 2017 EAN.