Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent organic pollutants widely produced and used in many countries until the increasing concern about their environmental risk lead to their ban in the 1980s. Although their emissions decreased, PCBs are nowadays still present in the environment and can be reemitted from reservoir compartments such as contaminated soils. In the last two decades, there has been a growing interest in bioremediation technologies that use plants and microorganisms (i.e. rhizoremediation) to degrade organic chemicals in contaminated sites. Different studies have been conducted to investigate the potential of plant-microbe interactions in the remediation of organic chemical contaminated soils. They range from short-term and laboratory/greenhouse experiments to long-term and field trials and, when correctly set up, they could provide useful data such as PCB rhizoremediation half-lives in soil. Such type of data are important input parameters for multimedia fate models that aim to estimate the time requested to achieve regulatory thresholds in a PCB contaminated site, allowing to draw up its remediation plan. This review focuses on the main factors influencing PCB fate, persistence and bioavailability in soil including PCB mixture congener composition, soil organic carbon forms, microorganism activity, plant species and soil conditions. Furthermore, it provides an estimate of rhizoremediation half-lives of the ten PCB families starting from the results of literature rhizoremediation experiments. Finally, guidance to perform appropriate experiments to obtain comparable, accurate and useful data for fate estimation is proposed.
Keywords: Bioavailability; Half-life; Modelling; Plant; Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); Rhizoremediation.
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