We have developed a charge-coupled device (CCD) with 5 μm × 45 μm pixels on high-resistivity silicon. The fully depleted 200 μm-thick silicon detector is back-illuminated through a 10 nm-thick in situ doped polysilicon window and is thus highly efficient for soft through >8 keV hard X-rays. The device described here is a 1.5 megapixel CCD with 2496 × 620 pixels. The pixel and camera geometry was optimized for Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) and is particularly advantageous for spectrometers with limited arm lengths. In this article, we describe the device architecture, construction and operation, and its performance during tests at the Advance Light Source (ALS) 8.0.1 RIXS beamline. The improved spectroscopic performance, when compared with a current standard commercial camera, is demonstrated with a ∼280 eV (CK) X-ray beam on a graphite sample. Readout noise is typically 3-6 electrons and the point spread function for soft CK X-rays in the 5 μm direction is 4.0 μm ± 0.2 μm. The measured quantum efficiency of the CCD is greater than 75% in the range from 200 eV to 1 keV.