Although Mycoplasma genitalium is increasingly recognized as a sexually transmitted pathogen, at present there is no defined public health response to this relatively newly identified sexually transmitted infection. Currently available data are insufficient to justify routinely screening any defined population for M. genitalium infection. More effective therapies, data on acceptability of screening and its impact on clinical outcomes, and better information on the natural history of infection will likely be required before the value of potential screening programs can be adequately assessed. Insofar as diagnostic tests are available or become available in the near future, clinicians and public health agencies should consider integrating M. genitalium testing into the management of persons with sexually transmitted infection (STI) syndromes associated with the infection (ie urethritis, cervicitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease) and their sex partners. Antimicrobial-resistant M. genitalium is a significant problem and may require clinicians and public health authorities to reconsider the management of STI syndromes in an effort to prevent the emergence of ever more resistant M. genitalium infections.
Keywords: Mycoplasma genitalium; prevention; public health.
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