Cases involving polycystic ovaries (PCOs) with adnexal torsion in a natural cycle without ovulation induction are rare, and no reports of such cases have described asynchronous bilateral adnexal torsion. Here, we report a case of PCO syndrome (PCOS) with asynchronous bilateral adnexal torsion in a natural cycle. The patient was a 37-year-old woman with a history of 2 gravidas 1 para. Her primary complaint was left lower abdominal pain. Ultrasonography and MRI identified multiple uterine myomas occupying the pelvis and the left ovary, with oedematous swelling that had moved ventrally to the uterus. She was diagnosed with adnexal torsion and underwent emergency laparoscopic adnexectomy. Nine months after surgery, she experienced right lower abdominal pain. Ultrasonography revealed suspected right adnexal torsion and she underwent emergency surgery. The right ovary was twisted 540° counterclockwise and swollen to 7 cm in size, with partial polycystic changes. She was histopathologically diagnosed with a PCO, and the final diagnosis, which also considered the endocrine test results, was PCOS. In PCOS, adnexal torsion may occur if the swollen ovary moves because of a hysteromyoma or other cause. Accordingly, torsion should be considered during the follow-up of patients with PCOS.
Keywords: obstetrics and gynaecology; reproductive medicine.
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