The Hippo pathway is the major regulator of organ growth and proliferation. Described initially in Drosophila, it is now recognized as one of the most conserved molecular pathways in all metazoan. Recent studies have revealed the Hippo signalling pathway might contribute to tumorigenesis and cancer development. The core components of the Hippo pathway include the mammalian sterile 20-like kinases (MSTs), large tumour suppressor kinases (LATSs), the adaptor proteins Salvador homologue 1 (SAV1, also called WW45) and Mps One Binder kinase activator proteins. The major target of the Hippo core kinases is the mammalian transcriptional activator Yes-associated protein (YAP) and transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ). In cancer, the Hippo signalling is inactivated and YAP and TAZ are activated and free to translocate into the nucleus to promote cell proliferation. Nuclear YAP/TAZ activate or suppress transcription factors that regulate target genes involved in cell proliferation, tissue growth, control of organ size and shape or metastasis. The Hippo signalling pathway that controls the most important cellular processes like growth and division appears to be a very promising research subject in the field of cell biology and tissue engineering. It consists of elements that in the cell play the roles of tumour suppressors as well as oncogenes. This 'Janus like' - an opposite activity hidden within one and the same signalling pathway represents a significant obstacle for studying it. This property of the Hippo pathway is worth remembering, as it will appear several times during the discussion of its properties. Here, we will review certain data regarding biology of the Hippo signalling and its interplay with other prominent signalling pathways in the cell, its relevance in cancer development and therapies that might target elements of the Hippo pathway in most human cancers.