A five-year serologic follow-up and a four-year monitoring of the polio and pertussis morbidity in an area immunized with a 2 + 1 dose schedule of a combined DTP-Po vaccine have shown that: the individual protection against polio measured by the presence of neutralizing antibody persists at a very adequate level five years after the first booster; after three years of a steady high proportion of children with pertussis antibody, a considerable drop is observed and in about 28% of individuals agglutinin levels of less than 1:20 were found five years after booster; the community protection against paralytic poliomyelitis and pertussis is satisfactory up to four years after the introduction of the program. Continuation of immunization with a 2 + 1 dose schedule at a maximal coverage and close seroepidemiologic surveillance are necessary in order to draw definite conclusions, because of the potentially strong impact of very dynamic ecological factors present in our geopolitical area upon the agent-host interrelationship.