Preparing E-Health Ready Graduates: A Qualitative Focus Group Study

Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017:239:91-96.


Background: Well documented demand for an e-health ready workforce is placing increasing pressure on universities to deliver essential e-health education.

Aim: We aimed to explore stakeholders' perceptions of e-health knowledge and skills anticipated of workforce-ready tertiary graduates from clinical health degree programs.

Method: A qualitative research study of a purposively selected sample of 23 key informants with expertise and/or experience in e-health education, practice and/or policy was conducted. Data collection involved focus group interviews that were recorded, transcribed verbatim and underwent thematic analysis.

Findings: Three primary themes about e-health education and preparation of health graduates emerged from the analyses: 1) Reinforce fundamental competencies, 2) Acknowledge and adapt existing competencies, and 3) Introduce and provide opportunities for new learning.

Conclusions and implications: This study will inform the articulation of a consensus driven set of core competencies for a cross-faculty e-health curriculum that aligns with workforce expectations. There is also potential for vertical integration of findings into workforce development programs.

MeSH terms

  • Curriculum
  • Focus Groups*
  • Humans
  • Medical Informatics / education*
  • Qualitative Research*
  • Staff Development