HIV infection is associated with a greatly elevated risk for the development of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), which while diminished, remains elevated in the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) era. Chronic B cell activation, driven by contact with HIV virions, B cell-stimulatory cytokines, viruses (EBV, HPV, HCV), and by high levels of antigenic stimulation occurs in HIV infected persons, and it is seen at even higher levels in those who go on to develop AIDS-NHL. Evidence from multiple studies indicates that elevated serum levels of several B cell-stimulatory cytokines and biomarkers are seen preceding AIDS-NHL, as well as in immunocompetent persons that develop NHL. Phenotypic changes in circulating B cells also are seen preceding AIDS-NHL, including the expression of AICDA, and of cell-surface molecules and miRNA that are associated with activated B cells. HAART only partially normalizes the immune system of treated HIV+ persons as they still show clear evidence for ongoing inflammation and immune activation in, even those who show complete suppression of HIV viremia. Together, this provides ample evidence to support the notion that chronic activation of B cells contributes to the genesis of B cell lymphomas.
Keywords: AIDS; HIV; NHL; immune activation; lymphoma.