The majority of patients attending breast clinics are found to be suffering from benign conditions. The detailed investigations of every patient would add to the cost of care and burden the laboratories. A detailed clinical evaluation might limit the use of thorough investigations for suspicious lesions only. This cross sectional study involved the patients with various benign and malignant conditions of breast, who attended outpatient clinic and surgical ward at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi from June 2009 to May 2011. The study started with a training of the resident (observer 2) in various breast examination techniques by a professor of surgery (observer 1), who was well trained in the discipline of breast surgery by internationally renowned breast experts. The different techniques of breast examination were validated after calculation of intra and inter-observer variation. Excellent agreement was observed between both the observers. The diagnostic accuracy ratio for most variables ranges from 0.9 to 1. The dimpling of skin on inspection had a low kappa (coefficient of agreement = 0.48) and consistency of lymph node on palpation had a kappa 0.38. All other variables showed high agreement. The present study was successful in training the resident and validating the different techniques in physical examination of breast.
Keywords: Breast; Clinical breast examination; Diagnostic indices; Resident training; Validation.