Chronic pain in high school students is associated with physical activity and sleeping hours but not with screen time

Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2017 Jun 17;31(3):/j/ijamh.2019.31.issue-3/ijamh-2017-0014/ijamh-2017-0014.xml. doi: 10.1515/ijamh-2017-0014.


Background Existing studies on the association between physical activity (PA), screen based time and sleeping show conflicting results. Objective This study investigates the association between chronic pain at different body regions and self-reported PA, screen based time and sleeping hours in high school students. Subjects A total of 969 students aged 13-19 years old. Methods Participants completed a questionnaire on chronic pain, time spent in moderate and vigorous PA, screen based time watching televivsion (TV)/digital versatile discs (DVD), playing, using mobile phones and computers and sleeping hours. Univariate and multivariate associations between pain and PA, screen based time and sleeping hours were investigated. Results In the univariate model time spent in moderate and vigorous PA, in screen based activities and sleeping were associated with pain in at least one body site. In the multivariate model, screen based activities were not associated with pain; sleeping 7 h or less and increased time in moderate PA were associated with pain at almost all body sites [odds ratio (OR) between 2.69-3.66 and 1.06-1.10, respectively]. Conclusion Time spent in PA and sleeping increased the risk of chronic pain in almost all body regions and might confound the association between screen based time and pain.

Keywords: adolescents; chronic pain; physical activity; screen based time; sleeping hours.