Toward the goal of understanding cutaneous sensory integration during manual behavior, we used voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) imaging to study the organization and dynamics of anesthetized monkey primary somatosensory cortex (SI) in response to single and multidigit tactile stimulation. We find that in both macaque and squirrel monkey SI, VSD reveals clear focal digit topography consistent with previous electrophysiological and intrinsic signal imaging studies. VSD also reveals interactions in SI in response to multidigit stimulation. With a tactile funneling paradigm in areas 3b and 1 in squirrel monkeys, VSD reveals two-digit induction of subthreshhold influences, consistent with lateral intracortical inhibition. In response to tactile apparent motion stimuli, VSD reveals preferential response to motion stimuli over static tactile stimuli in both areas 1 and 3b. Comparison of the response at different digit locations to "toward digit" stimuli suggests the presence of direction-selective response in area 1; however, further study is needed. These exciting results indicate that VSD constitutes a powerful tool for studying somatosensory cortical processing in nonhuman primates and should be further developed for future somatosensory studies in awake behaving monkeys.
Keywords: funneling; motion; nonhuman primate; optical imaging; somatosensory cortex; voltage-sensitive dye imaging.