Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) injections are prepared from active substances extracted from TCMs and other natural medicines to establish scientific and technological methods, based on TCM hypotheses and experiences. A device was designed to provide a fast allergy skin test detector for TCM injections that could be applied to drugs of a single component or complex components. A novel fast allergy skin test detector for TCM injections was developed combining direct-current main, drug solution permeation devices of various shape that were compatible with the skin test electrode, nano-sponge patch adsorption, and flexible liposome coverage technologies with high-amplitude pulse. The detector was characterized by simple structure, easy manipulation, low dose of drug required for the skin test, no irritation to human skin, and low-false positive rate. According to the pilot clinical use, it was able to meet the clinical demand and was promising for the prevention of allergy to TCM injections.
Keywords: allergy test; skin test instrument; traditional Chinese medicine injections.