Density Propagator for Many-Body Localization: Finite-Size Effects, Transient Subdiffusion, and Exponential Decay

Phys Rev Lett. 2017 May 12;118(19):196801. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.196801. Epub 2017 May 8.


We investigate charge relaxation in quantum wires of spinless disordered fermions (t-V model). Our observable is the time-dependent density propagator Π_{ϵ}(x,t), calculated in windows of different energy density ϵ of the many-body Hamiltonian and at different disorder strengths W, not exceeding the critical value W_{c}. The width Δx_{ϵ}(t) of Π_{ϵ}(x,t) exhibits a behavior dlnΔx_{ϵ}(t)/dlnt=β_{ϵ}(t), where the exponent function β_{ϵ}(t)≲1/2 is seen to depend strongly on L at all investigated parameter combinations. (i) We confirm the existence of a region in phase space that exhibits subdiffusive dynamics in the sense that β_{ϵ}(t)<1/2 in a large window of times. However, subdiffusion might possibly be transient, only, finally giving way to a conventional diffusive behavior with β_{ϵ}=1/2. (ii) We cannot confirm the existence of many-body mobility edges even in regions of the phase diagram that have been reported to be deep in the delocalized phase. (iii) (Transient) subdiffusion 0<β_{ϵ}(t)≲1/2 coexists with an enhanced probability for returning to the origin Π_{ϵ}(0,t), decaying much slower than 1/Δx_{ϵ}(t). Correspondingly, the spatial decay of Π_{ϵ}(x,t) is far from Gaussian, being exponential or even slower. On a phenomenological level, our findings are broadly consistent with the effects of strong disorder and (fractal) Griffiths regions.