The purpose of our study was (a) to use latent class analyses to identify subgroups of interpersonal polyvictimization and polyperpetration among young pregnant couples and (b) examine actor-partner effects of latent classes on current intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization. Data were collected from 296 pregnant young couples recruited at obstetrics and gynecology clinics. A 3-latent class model emerged for women: Polyvictim-Polyperpetrator, Nonvictim-Nonperpetrator, and Community and Prior IPV Victim. A 4-latent class model emerged for men: Community and Prior IPV Victim, Polyvictim-Nonpartner Perpetrator, Prior IPV and Peer Victim, and Nonvictim-Nonperpetrator. Using the actor-partner independence model, actor effects of the women's Polyvictim-Polyperpetrator class and men's Polyvictim-Nonpartner Perpetrator class related to greater odds of IPV victimization compared to women and men in the Nonvictim-Nonperpetrator classes.