Glucose is a primary energy source for most cells and an important substrate for many biochemical reactions. As glucose is a need of each and every cell of the body, so are the glucose transporters. Consequently, all cells express these important proteins on their surface. In recent years developments in genetics have shed new light on the types and physiology of various glucose transporters, of which there are two main types-sodium-glucose linked transporters (SGLTs) and facilitated diffusion glucose transporters (GLUT)-which can be divided into many more subclasses. Transporters differ in terms of their substrate specificity, distribution and regulatory mechanisms. Glucose transporters have also received much attention as therapeutic targets for various diseases. In this review, we attempt to present a simplified view of this complex topic which may be of interest to researchers involved in biochemical and pharmacological research.
Keywords: Anti-cancer agents; Anti-diabetic agents; GLUT; Glucose transporters; SGLT.