A feline T-lymphotrophic lentvirus (FTLV) has recently been isolated from a domestic cat free of feline leukemia virus (FeLV). This virus is distinct from FeLV (an oncornavirus), although they share a common denominator, namely, the ability to cause immunosuppression and induce lymphadenopathy and anemia. Their differences can be revealed by examining the following: the metal requirement for reverse transcriptase activity, the antigenic comparison by Western blot analysis, the different susceptibilities of a variety of feline cells, and the morphology based on electron microscopy. In the serological survey of 1,612 cats surveyed in the USA, 232 (14.4%) were seropositive for antibodies to FTLV, which was lower than for the 42 Canadian cats surveyed of which 8 (19%) were seropositive. Of the 61 cats positive for FeLV, 15 (25%) were also positive for FTLV, giving the impression that coinfection between these two retroviruses plays an important role in the cliniocpathological signs of what was previously thought to be solely an FeLV syndrome.