Scrotal haematoma is an extremely rare complication after cardiac catheterisation (CC) with only few cases reported in literature. We report a 56-year-old patient who developed large scrotal haematoma after CC via transfemoral approach requiring blood transfusion due to haemodynamic instability. After an uneventful elective procedure, he was discharged with a collagen plug-based vascular closure device (Angio-Seal). He developed sudden onset, excruciating groin pain with scrotal swelling and shock. Bleeding was stopped with manual compression over the femoral artery and 2 units of packed red blood cells were transfused. CT angiogram revealed scrotal haematoma without active bleeding. Testicular blood supply remained intact. Scrotal swelling improved with conservative management and patient got discharged 3 days later in a stable condition. The review of literature suggests that penoscrotal haematoma is unusual after CC but may result from arterial injury or bleeding into the fascial planes. Majority of patients require observation but surgery is indicated in selected cases for vascular complications.
Keywords: adult intensive care; interventional cardiology; medical education; urology; vascular surgery.
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