Aim of research - analysis of content of microelements in hair of children with thyromegaly living in the West Kazakhstan region. 159 school children of 6-12 years constantly living in this region were studied. Thyroid volume was measured by ultrasonography using an ultrasound scanner and evaluated according to body surface area and the gender in accordance with the WHO recommendations (2007). Microelements were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry on NexION 300D (PerkinElmer Inc., USA). Excess value of the content of boron at 32.29% and silicon at 21.44% was found in children with goiter compared with those from control group. There was a reduction of cadmium at 37.38%, manganese - 26.48%, lead - 47%, vanadium - 15.5% compared with children with the normal volume of the thyroid gland. Correlation analysis showed a positive association of thyroid volume and hair trace elements Cu (r=0.423; p=0.001) and Si (r=0.202; p=0.01) and between I in hair and Hg (r=0.2978; p=0.001). The results of the multiple regression analysis revealed that the amount of thyroid is positively related to the concentration of copper and silicon in hair, and in less degree negatively with vanadium. The effect of these elements is 23%. Also found a positive dependence of iodine in the hair from indicators of mercury and negative from beryllium. Children with goiter show increased content of boron and silicon in hair and the decreased level of cadmium, manganese, lead, vanadium. The content of iodine in hair of children depends on the indicators of mercury and beryllium.