Young shoots of Phyllostachys aurea showed glucuronoarabinoxylans (GAX) as the major hemicellulosic components, being extracted in major amounts with 1M KOH (ratio Xyl:Ara:GlcA, 100:67:8), but also with water, showing a broad structural variability. Mixed linkage glucans were also present, but in minor amounts, mostly concentrated in the 4M KOH extracts, while pectin polymers were very scarce. Arabinogalactan proteins were an important part of water extracts, determined by the presence of the typical arabinogalactan structures (3- and 6-linked Gal p; terminal and 5-linked Ara f), in addition to small amounts of hydroxyproline (2-3% of total protein) and positive reaction to Yariv's reagent. Morphological and anatomical characteristics of young shoots are described, as well as localization of some cell wall components, and related with chemical analysis. A method for determination of uronic acids as their N-propylaldonamide acetates and separation and quantification by GC/MS was adapted for its use with grass cell wall fractions.
Keywords: Arabinogalactan; Bamboo shoots; Glucuronoarabinoxylan; Mixed linkage glucan; Phyllostachys aurea; Uronic acid determination.
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