Brain injury specialists are experienced providers able to identify and treat the unique medical complications after moderate-severe traumatic brain injury, including posttraumatic seizures, paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity, spasticity, hydrocephalus, agitation, neuroendocrine dysfunction, heterotopic ossification, venous thromboembolism, and cranial nerve dysfunction. Owing to the potential negative impact on outcome if left untreated, identification and appropriate treatment is essential. An additional role of the brain injury specialist is to educate family about potential medical complications and anticipated outcomes after brain injury. The provider, patient, and family work together to identify and treat any potential sequelae of the moderate-severe brain injury.
Keywords: Agitation; Complications; Neuroendocrine; Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperreflexia; Post-traumatic hydrocephalus; Rehabilitation; Spasticity; Traumatic brain injury.
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