Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the postretention stability of the dental arches in Class II division 1 patients treated with four bicuspid extractions and the edgewise technique.
Materials and methods: A digital caliper was used to analyze the dental casts from 29 Class II division 1 malocclusion patients with skeletal type II (14 males, 15 females; ages ranging from 10.2-18.0 years), treated with four bicuspid extractions and the edgewise technique. Intercanine width, intermolar width, arch length, irregularity index, overjet and overbite were evaluated at three times: pretreatment (T1), posttreatment (T2) and postretention (T3) (mean: 4.15 years). Student's t-tests were used to compare the pretreatment-posttreatment, posttreatment-postretention and pretreatment-postretention. Significance was determined at P<0.05.
Results: The results of the study are listed as: (1) The upper and lower intercanine widths significantly increased (P<0.05) between T1-T2 and decreased between T2-T3. However, no significant changes were observed between T1-T3; (2) The upper and lower intermolar widths significantly decreased (P<0.05) between T1-T2, between T2-T3 and between T1-T3, except for the upper intermolar width between T2-T3 which showed no significant change; (3) The upper and lower arch lengths significantly decreased (P<0.05) at posttreatment and postretention due to the closure of extraction spaces. Both the upper and lower arch lengths significantly decreased between T1-T2, T2-T3, and T1-T3, except for the upper arch length between T2-T3, which showed no significant change; (4) The irregularity index was significantly improved after treatment. However, there was a slight increase in incisor irregularity at postretention. At postretention, 75.86% of the patients had mild crowding, 20.68% had moderate crowding, 3.48% had severe crowding; (5) The overjet and overbite significantly decreased (P<0.05) between T1-T2 and increased between T2-T3.
Conclusion: The changes in the dental arches were small at postretention with a tendency to return towards their original position. The overall stability of Class II division 1 extraction cases is relatively good.
Keywords: Class II division 1; Dental arches; Extraction; Postretention.
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