Introduction: This is a single-subject case report. The objective is to describe the unique rehabilitation outcome of an individual with motor complete T12 paraplegia and a right transtibial amputation. This study was conducted at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Christian Medical College in India.
Case presentation: A 42-year-old policeman presented to our rehabilitation centre with motor complete T12 paraplegia and right transtibial amputation, 3 months following a road traffic accident. As the patient's goal was to walk, he was given a trial of independent ambulation with a customized prosthesis on the right side and a regular knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) on the left side.
Discussion: At the end of 12 weeks of rehabilitation, the patient was able to walk independently with the prosthesis/orthosis and bilateral elbow crutches. His Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury (WISCI) score improved from 0/20 to 12/20 points. The scope of functional ambulation should not get restricted for a person with low thoracic spinal cord injury even when there is concurrent transtibial amputation.
Keywords: Health care; Quality of life.