Protein geranylgeranylation reactions are dependent on the availability of geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP), which serves as the isoprenoid donor. Inhibition of GGDP synthase (GGDPS) is of interest from a drug development perspective as GGDPS inhibition results in impaired protein geranylgeranylation, which in multiple myeloma, disrupts monoclonal protein trafficking and induces apoptosis. We have recently reported a series of isoprenoid triazole bisphosphonates and have demonstrated that a 3:1 mixture of homogeranyl and homoneryl isomers potently, and in a synergistic manner, inhibits GGDPS. We now present the synthesis and biological evaluation of a novel series of bishomoisoprenoid triazoles which furthers our understanding of the structure-function relationship of this class. These studies demonstrate the importance of chain length and olefin stereochemistry on inhibitory activity.
Keywords: Bishomoisoprenoids; Bisphosphonate; GGDP synthase; Inhibition; Isoprenoid biosynthesis; Triazole.
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