Objective: This study evaluated the variation in the protein profile of the acquired enamel pellicle (AEP) formed in vivo according to its location in the dental arches.
Design: The AEP was formed for 120min in 9 volunteers. Pellicle formed at upper+lower anterior facial (ULAFa; teeth 13-23 and 33-43), upper anterior palatal (UAPa; teeth 13-23), lower anterior lingual (LALi; teeth 33-43), upper+lower posterior facial (ULPFa; teeth 14-17 24-27, 34-37 and 44-47), upper posterior palatal (UPPa; teeth 14-17 and 24-27) and lower posterior lingual (LPLi; teeth 34-37 and 44-47) regions were collected separately and processed for analysis by label-free LC-ESI-MS/MS.
Results: Three-hundred sixty three proteins were identified in total, twenty-five being common to all the locations, such as Protein S100-A8, Lysozyme C, Lactoferrin, Statherin, Ig alpha-2, ALB protein, Myeloperoxidase and SMR3B. Many proteins were found exclusively in the AEP collected from one of the regions (46-UAPa, 33-LALi, 59-ULAFa, 31-ULPFa, 44-LPLi and 39-UPPa).
Conclusions: The protein composition of the AEP varied according to its location in the dental arches. These results provide important insights for understanding the differential protective roles of the AEP as a function of its location in the dental arches.
Keywords: Acquired pellicle; Enamel; Proteomics; Saliva.
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