DCL2- and RDR6-dependent transitive silencing of SMXL4 and SMXL5 in Arabidopsis dcl4 mutants causes defective phloem transport and carbohydrate over-accumulation

Plant J. 2017 Jun;90(6):1064-1078. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13528. Epub 2017 Apr 10.


DICER-LIKE (DCL) enzymes process double-stranded RNA into small RNAs that act as regulators of gene expression. Arabidopsis DCL4 and DCL2 each allow the post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) of viruses and transgenes, but primary PTGS-prone DCL4 outcompetes transitive PTGS-prone DCL2 in wild-type plants. This hierarchy likely prevents DCL2 having any detrimental effects on endogenous genes. Indeed, dcl4 mutants exhibit developmental defects and increased sensitivity to genotoxic stress. In this study, the mechanism underlying dcl4 defects was investigated using genetic, biochemical and high-throughput sequencing approaches. We show that the purple phenotype of dcl4 leaves correlates with carbohydrate over-accumulation and defective phloem transport, and depends on the activity of SUPPRESSOR OF GENE SILENCING 3, RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE 6 (RDR6) and DCL2. This phenotype correlates with the downregulation of two genes expressed in the apex and the vasculature, SMAX1-LIKE 4 (SMXL4) and SMXL5, and the accumulation of DCL2- and RDR6-dependent small interfering RNAs derived from these two genes. Supporting a causal effect, smxl4 smxl5 double mutants exhibit leaf pigmentation, enhanced starch accumulation and defective phloem transport, similar to dcl4 plants. Overall, this study elucidates the detrimental action of DCL2 when DCL4 is absent, and indicates that DCL4 outcompeting DCL2 in wild-type plants is crucial to prevent the degradation of endogenous transcripts by DCL2- and RDR6-dependent transitive PTGS.

Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana; 22-nt small RNA; DICER-LIKE 2; DICER-LIKE 4; SMAX1-LIKE 4; SMAX1-LIKE 5; post-transcriptional gene silencing.

MeSH terms

  • Arabidopsis / genetics
  • Arabidopsis / metabolism*
  • Arabidopsis / physiology
  • Arabidopsis Proteins / genetics
  • Arabidopsis Proteins / metabolism*
  • Carbohydrate Metabolism / genetics
  • Carbohydrate Metabolism / physiology
  • Cell Cycle Proteins / genetics
  • Cell Cycle Proteins / metabolism*
  • Mutation / genetics
  • Phloem / genetics
  • Phloem / metabolism*
  • Plants, Genetically Modified / genetics
  • Plants, Genetically Modified / metabolism*
  • Plants, Genetically Modified / physiology
  • RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase / genetics
  • RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase / metabolism*
  • Ribonuclease III / genetics
  • Ribonuclease III / metabolism*


  • Arabidopsis Proteins
  • Cell Cycle Proteins
  • RDR6 protein, Arabidopsis
  • RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase
  • DCL4 protein, Arabidopsis
  • DCL2 protein, Arabidopsis
  • Ribonuclease III