Background: Washed platelet concentrate (WPC) is prepared manually in general, but automated preparation is desirable to minimize variation in the WPC quality and enhance WPC production. Recently, the software was improved for an automated cell processor (ACP) to control all processes of WPC preparation. M-sol and BRS-A, which are mixtures of medical solutions, are widely used for WPC preparation with a manual method in Japan. In this study, we prepared WPC suspended in M-sol (WPC-M) or BRS-A (WPC-B) with the ACP, and compared their in vitro properties during 7-day storage.
Study design and methods: PC was divided into two equal aliquots for WPC-M and WPC-B. A divided PC, medical solutions and disposable materials were set in the ACP, and it was started to prepare WPC-M or WPC-B on Day 0. Prepared WPC was stored on a flatbed shaker until Day 7.
Results: The pH of WPC-M and WPC-B was maintained above 6.8 during the 7-day storage. The differences in aggregation (%), HSR (%), P-selectin expression, GPIbα expression, and phosphatidylserine expression between WPC-M and WPC-B were minimal until Day 3.
Conclusion: The in vitro properties of WPC-B are not markedly different from those of WPC-M until Day 3.
Keywords: Additive solution; Automated cell processor; BRS-A; M-sol; Platelet storage; Platelet washing.
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