Purpose: To report a case of subtotal iridodialysis that was repaired using suturing with the assistance of a guide needle.
Patient and methods: A 52-year-old man had subtotal iridodialysis of approximately 300° with massive hyphema and vitreous hemorrhage after blunt trauma. The patient was treated with pars plana vitrectomy, and then suturing repair of iridodialysis was performed.
Results: After the surgeries, the ratio of pupil area to corneal area is improved from 82.1 to 42.4%. The visual acuity improved to 30/20, and subjective symptoms of glare and monocular diplopia disappeared. There was no remarkable postoperative complication for up to 12 months.
Conclusions: Suturing repair is useful for subtotal iridodialysis and may be an alternative for an iris implant.
Keywords: Iris implant; Subtotal iridodialysis; Suturing repair.