A scar phase of rheumatoid aortitis and aneurysms in the sequestrated lung with a lesion continuous to an aortic lesion was found in autopsy specimens from a 50 year-old-woman, who had suffered from generally disseminated carcinoma of the breast. The aorta revealed a scar phase of granulomatous panaortitis continuously from the ascending to the descending thoracic aorta. The media and adventitia of the aorta were largely replaced by scar tissue, although the aortic valve was spared. The systemic arteries in the sequestrated lung were destroyed completely by the necrotizing angiitis and showed saccular aneurysm filled with organizing fibrin thrombus. The pulmonary artery was intact. These findings suggest that the saccular aneurysm in the sequestrated lung was produced by necrotizing angiitis, in association with rheumatoid aortitis.