Background: Positional obstructive sleep apnea (POSA) is common in mild and moderate forms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Two smartphone applications (apps) professing to avoid the supine position (SP) are available: for Android the "Apnea Sleep Position Trainer" and for iOS the "SomnoPose-Sleep Position Monitor". The smartphone needs to be attached to the chest to recognize SP, which then triggers a vibration alarm. This is intended to encourage the patient to change position and the vibration stops as soon as SP is left. These apps, however, have not yet undergone a systematic evaluation.
Methods: Adult patients with polysomnographically diagnosed POSA were invited to participate in the study. POSA was defined as an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) in SP >10, with AHI in a lateral position <10 and doubling of the AHI in SP. After 1 month, a control polysomnography (PSG) was performed and compliance (at least 4 h/night on 5 of 7 days) was evaluated after 6 months by phone. A sufficient therapy was defined as reduction in SP to <10% of the total sleep time and to an overall AHI <10.
Results: Although 57 patients entered the study, 24 did not appear to the PSG control; therefore, 33 patients finished the study, of whom 25 were treated successfully. The overall AHI in 33 patients was reduced from 14.5 ± 9.0 to 9.5 ± 12.6 and the time in SP decreased significantly from 71.1 ± 50.5 to 25.4 ± 65.0 min. Compliance among the 25 continuously treated patients after 6 months was 79.2%.
Conclusion: Both smartphone apps have the capability to prevent PS in POSA patients and can potentially offer a cost-effective option in the treatment of POSA.
Keywords: Handheld computers; Intrinisic sleep disorders; Mobile applications; Sleep apnea syndromes; Therapeutics.