Mechanism of forming new capillary from basal vessels, named angiogenesis, exist under both physiological and pathological conditions. Initiation of this process requires imbalance between proangiogenic and antiangiogenic factors, which can occur for instance under hypoxic conditions. Angiogenesis is complex process which allow tumor cells to proliferate, thus providing tumor to increase its structure. This dependence is highly connected to enhanced migration of tumor cells through blood, which often ends up being an onset of metastasis. It has been proved that capillaries that form during tumor lifetime are different in case of morphology. However, it seems that antigens spread through these blood vessel are the same as antigens produced during physiological angiogenesis. In recent years angiogenesis has become one of the most important targets in therapies used in oncology. Antiangiogenic therapies have proven itself to be very spectacular and promising in treatment of renal and pancreatic cancers or multiple myeloma. Bewacizumab, Sunitinib, Cetuximab and Talidomid are examples of drugs used in such therapies. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are group that represents most of the drugs of antiangiogenic properties. It is worth mentioning that during administration of such substances spectrum of side effects is observed. However, antiangiogenic therapy is one of the most promising targets in today's oncology. Therefore, it is highly explainable to continue further research in this area.