Background: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is highly associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), particularly the undifferentiated nonkeratinizing subtype. Prevalence of EBV in NPC in countries such as Guatemala and Brazil has not been studied.
Methods: We analyzed 19 cases of NPC, 11 from Guatemala and 8 from Brazil, for the presence of EBV by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Additionally, 19 hyperplastic adenoids from children were analyzed for EBV by in situ hybridization, 12 from Guatemala and 7 from Brazil.
Results: All the NPC cases from Guatemala and 5 from Brazil were of the undifferentiated nonkeratinizing type. EBV-negative cases comprised 2 keratinizing NPC and 1 differentiated nonkeratinizing NPC. All undifferentiated nonkeratinizing NPC from both samples showed intense positivity for EBER, while LMP-1 only focally and scarcely expressed. EBER was positive in 75% and 43% of the adenoids from Guatemala and Brazil, respectively.
Conclusions: All undifferentiated nonkeratinizing NPC irrespective of origin from Guatemala or Brazil were highly associated with EBV.
Keywords: Epstein-Barr virus; adenoid; carcinoma; in situ hybridization; nasopharynx.