Hoof balance radiographs are commonly used as the basis for corrective farriery decision-making in horses, however there are limited published data quantifying effects of the stance of the horse or the horizontal radiographic beam angle. In this analytical study, the influence of variation of the horse's stance in the craniocaudal and lateromodial plane on hoof balance measurements as well as the influence of variation of the horizontal radiographic beam angle on dorsopalmar hoof balance measurements was examined. Distal left thoracic limb lateromedial radiographs were acquired using a standardized protocol while varying the craniocaudal stance of five horses, each selected to be sound and conformationally normal. Dorsopalmar foot radiographs were acquired while varying the lateromedial stance; and variable angle horizontal beam dorsopalmar foot radiographs were acquired while keeping the limb position constant. Analyses of measurements demonstrated that hoof pastern angle had a linear relationship (R2 = 0.89, P < 0.001) with craniocaudal stance of the horse. The relationship of joint angle and stance was greater for the distal interphalangeal joint angle (R2 = 0.89, P < 0.001) than the proximal interphalangeal joint angle (R2 = 0.65, P = 0.001). The distal phalanx angle did not change with craniocaudal stance variation. The proximal interphalangeal joint width, distal interphalangeal joint width, or distal phalanx height did not change with lateromedial stance variation, nor within a 15 degree dorsolateral to caudomedial and dorsomedial to caudolateral variation from the dorsopalmar axis. Findings indicated that positioning of the thoracic limb needs to be considered during radiographic interpretation and decision-making for corrective farriery.
Keywords: hoof pastern axis; hoofbalance; horse.
© 2016 American College of Veterinary Radiology.