Peristomal varices occasionally form in patients with chronic liver disease who have surgically created intestinal anastomoses and stomas. Hemorrhage from these varices carries an estimated mortality of 3%-4% per episode, as opposed to the 30%-40% mortality associated with gastroesophageal variceal bleeding. The cases of four patients who underwent transhepatic mesenteric vein catheterization with embolization of stomal varices for recurrent, intractable bleeding are presented. In three of the four patients there was no additional hemorrhage for at least 5 months. One patient was lost to follow-up. There were no complications. Since stomal variceal hemorrhage has a low mortality, transhepatic embolization is presented as a means of hemorrhage control when sclerotherapy fails and when shunt surgery presents an unacceptably high rate of morbidity and mortality relative to the underlying disease.