Purpose: The aim of the study was to evaluate the test-retest reliability of the timed up and go test using manual and automatic chronometer (chronopic) in women with fibromyalgia.
Design: Cross-sectional study with convenience sample.
Method: A total of 49 women with fibromyalgia, aged 50.20 ± 10.01 participated in the study.
Findings: The intraclass correlation coefficient was .935 with the manual stopwatch and .955 with the chronopic. The smallest real difference using manual stopwatch was 9.327%, whereas for the timed up and go using the chronopic it was 7.708%. Mean of the three repetitions was significantly different (p = .005) between both chronometers.
Conclusion: Timed up and go is a reliable physical fitness test for assessing agility/dynamic balance in women with fibromyalgia.
Clinical relevance: The reliability is higher when the time is tracked using an automatic chronometer, which is easy to use and not expensive in terms of time and money, the use of this device is recommended in the nursing practice.