Leaflets inside drug boxes are complex and often poorly understood. Patients consulting in nephrology are mostly old and often suffer from multiple comorbidities. As so, they are often subject to various contra-indications and drug interactions. This paper aims to evaluate if patients actually read leaflets or other medical information on others medias such as Internet and whether this could, potentially, interfere with their observance. Results showed that leaflets were read by 65.1% of patients, leading to 12% of withdrawal or not taking drugs. Furthermore, compliance to medical guidance was deemed e-read by 65.1% of patients, leading to 12% of withdrawal or not taken drugs. Furthermore, this study showed no clear profile for non-compliant patients. Even the youngest patients (under 50 years old) have had a good compliance, with not more withdrawal or not taking pills. Nonetheless, youngest patients used more often to consult alternative medias and did not read much of the leaflets' information. Patients who were reading leaflets however, tended to search further information on other medias. This situation would create new challenges in health care, as it seems that data available on new medias are not systematically validated or adapted to the needs of the patients.
Keywords: Chronic kidney disease; Compliance; Effets secondaires; Insuffisance rénale chronique; Multi-medication; Observance; Polymédication; Side effects; Therapeutic education; Éducation thérapeutique.
Copyright © 2016 Association Société de néphrologie. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.