Vacuole is a multifunctional compartment central to a large number of functions (storage, catabolism, maintenance of the cell homeostasis) in oxygenic phototrophs including microalgae. Still, microalgal cell vacuole is much less studied than that of higher plants although knowledge of the vacuolar structure and function is essential for understanding physiology of nutrition and stress tolerance of microalgae. Here, we combined the advanced analytical and conventional transmission electron microscopy methods to obtain semi-quantitative, spatially resolved at the subcellular level information on elemental composition of the cell vacuoles in several free-living and symbiotic chlorophytes. We obtained a detailed record of the changes in cell and vacuolar ultrastructure in response to environmental stimuli under diverse conditions. We suggested that the vacuolar inclusions could be divided into responsible for storage of phosphorus (mainly in form of polyphosphate) and those accommodating non-protein nitrogen (presumably polyamine) reserves, respectively.The ultrastructural findings, together with the data on elemental composition of different cell compartments, allowed us to speculate on the role of the vacuolar membrane in the biosynthesis and sequestration of polyphosphate. We also describe the ultrastructural evidence of possible involvement of the tonoplast in the membrane lipid turnover and exchange of energy and metabolites between chloroplasts and mitochondria. These processes might play a significant role in acclimation in different stresses including nitrogen starvation and extremely high level of CO2 and might also be of importance for microalgal biotechnology. Advantages and limitations of application of analytical electron microscopy to biosamples such as microalgal cells are discussed.
Keywords: Analytical electron microscopy; Microalgae; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Polyphosphate; Stress responses; Vacuole.