Although patients with glioblastoma (GBM) have grave prognosis, significant variability in patient outcome is observed. This study aims to identify novel targets for GBM diagnosis and therapy. Microarray data (GSE4290, GSE7696, and GSE4412) obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus was used to identify the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) by significant analysis of microarray (SAM). Intersection of the identified DEGs for each profile revealed 46 DEGs in GBM. A subset of common DEGs were validated by real-time reverse transcription quantitative PCR (qPCR). The prognostic value of some of the markers was also studied. We determined that RRM2 and COL3A1 were increased and directly correlated with glioma grade, while SH3GL2 and SNAP91 were decreased in GBM and inversely correlated with glioma grade. Kaplan-Meir analysis of GSE7696 revealed that COL3A1 and SNAP91 correlated with survival, suggesting that COL3A1 and SNAP91 may be suitable biomarkers for diagnostic or therapeutic strategies for GBM.
Keywords: COL3A1; SNAP91; glioblastoma; novel glioblastoma markers; prognostic value.