Background: Sapajus flavius is a species of capuchin monkey classified as critically endangered. Studies related to their biometric values are scarce with incomplete external measurement reports available from only four specimens. Moreover, information regarding proteinogram is limited with no reference to C-reactive protein (CRP) and globulin fractions for this species.
Methods: Biometric values, CRP, and proteinogram were determined for 12 clinically healthy S. flavius, kept in captivity in João Pessoa, Brazil.
Results: The measured values in biometric parameters present a tendency to be higher in males. The CRP mean values from 12 S. flavius were 1.2±0.2 mg/dL. For albumin, alpha, beta, and gamma globulin fraction parameters, the reference interval was calculated.
Conclusions: Authors believe that with certain limitations, results obtained can be helpful for the populations in the wild, which could be of great aid in detecting unhealthy individuals and therefore contributing to the conservation of this species.
Keywords: Sapajus spp; biometric parameters; endangered species; serum biochemistry.
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.