Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Systems with Single Relay Selection in Correlated Environments

Sensors (Basel). 2016 Sep 11;16(9):1472. doi: 10.3390/s16091472.


In this paper, we consider amplify-and-forward (AnF) cooperative systems under correlated fading environments. We first present a brief overview of existing works on the effect of channel correlations on the system performance. We then focus on our main contribution which is analyzing the outage probability of a multi-AnF-relay system with the best relay selection (BRS) scheme under a condition that two channels of each relay, source-relay and relay-destination channels, are correlated. Using lower and upper bounds on the end-to-end received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the destination, we derive corresponding upper and lower bounds on the system outage probability. We prove that the system can achieve a diversity order (DO) equal to the number of relays. In addition, and importantly, we show that the considered correlation form has a constructive effect on the system performance. In other words, the larger the correlation coefficient, the better system performance. Our analytic results are corroborated by extensive Monte-Carlo simulations.

Keywords: amplify-and-forward; cooperative sensor systems; correlated environments; diversity order; outage probability.