What is known and objective: There have been several reports describing rectovaginal fistula development after bevacizumab treatment, and these fistulas were diagnosed by CT scan or colonoscopy. We report a case of sigmoid-vaginal fistula diagnosed by fistulography.
Case description: The case is a 53-year-old woman who was treated for chronic myelogenous leukaemia and gynaecological cancers 8 years previously. At 52 years of age, she was diagnosed with colon cancer and had a partial colectomy performed. One year after surgery, colon cancer recurred, and she was treated with anticancer agents, including bevacizumab. During chemotherapy, she complained of a foul smelling discharge from the vagina. Fistulography revealed a sigmoid-vaginal fistula.
What is new and conclusion: This is the first report of vaginal fistulography performed on a patient who was treated with bevacizumab. Fistulography may be useful for detecting sigmoid-vaginal fistula.
Keywords: bevacizumab; fistulography; sigmoid-vaginal fistula.
© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.