An Evaluation of a Brief Video-Based Multiple-Stimulus Without Replacement Preference Assessment

Behav Anal Pract. 2015 Aug 13;9(2):160-4. doi: 10.1007/s40617-015-0081-0. eCollection 2016 Jun.


We evaluated a brief multiple-stimulus without replacement (MSWO) preference assessment conducted in video format with four children with autism. Specifically, we compared the results of a video-based MSWO to the results of a tangible MSWO. Toys identified as highly preferred (HP) in the video-based MSWO were also HP in the tangible MSWO for three of four participants, and correlations between video-based and tangible MSWO assessment results across participants were strong and statistically significant. Therefore, video-based MSWOs may be an accurate compliment to tangible MSWOs for children with autism.

Keywords: Autism; Preference assessment; Technology.