The contracting muscle generates a low frequency sound detectable at the belly surface, ranging from 11 to 40 Hz. To study the relationship between the muscular sound and the intensity of the contraction a sound myogram (SMG) was recorded by a contact sensor from the biceps brachii of seven young healthy males performing 4-s isometric contractions from 10% to 100% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), in 10% steps. Simultaneously, the electromyogram (EMG) was recorded as an index of muscle activity. SMG and EMG were integrated by conventional methods (iSMG and iEMG). The relationship between iSMG and iEMG vs MVC% is described by parabolic functions up to 80% and 100% MVC respectively. Beyond 80% MVC the iSMG decreases, being about half of its maximal value at 100% MVC. Our results indicate that the motor unit recruitment and firing rate affect the iSMG and iEMG in the same way up to 80% MVC. From 80% to 100% MVC the high motor units' discharge rate and the muscular stiffness together limit the pressure waves generated by the dimensional changes of the active fibres. The muscular sound seems to reflect the intramuscular visco-elastic characteristics and the motor unit activation pattern of a contracting muscle.