We intercalate a van der Waals heterostructure of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride with Au, by encapsulation, and show that the Au at the interface is two dimensional. Charge transfer upon current annealing indicates the redistribution of the Au and induces splitting of the graphene band structure. The effect of an in-plane magnetic field confirms that the splitting is due to spin splitting and that the spin polarization is in the plane, characteristic of a Rashba interaction with a magnitude of approximately 25 meV. Consistent with the presence of an intrinsic interfacial electric field we show that the splitting can be enhanced by an applied displacement field in dual gated samples. A giant negative magnetoresistance, up to 75%, and a field induced anomalous Hall effect at magnetic fields <1 T are observed. These demonstrate that the hybridized Au has a magnetic moment and suggests the proximity to the formation of a collective magnetic phase. These effects persist close to room temperature.