An Evidence-Based, Pre-Birth Assessment Pathway for Vulnerable Pregnant Women

Br J Soc Work. 2016 Jun;46(4):960-973. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcu150. Epub 2015 Feb 1.


The developmental needs of infants during the first year of life have been emphasised by recent research from a variety of sources highlighting the crucial role that early parent-infant interaction plays. Infants identified as being at significant risk of maltreatment need adequate protection within a time frame consistent with their developmental needs. This briefing paper describes a new care pathway established within a UK-based social care team, which aims to provide early identification, intensive support, timely assessment and decision making for a group of highly vulnerable, pregnant women, their partners and their infants. The pathway of care is described and a case study is presented to illustrate this care pathway. A mother is referred at eighteen weeks of pregnancy and supported post birth for six months. The combination of supporting structured professional judgement by the inclusion of standardised tools and training in a programme specifically developed for high-risk families suggests that this pre-birth risk-assessment process warrants further evaluation.

Keywords: Early identification; Parents Under Pressure; Pre-birth assessment; standardised tools.