13.4km OAM state propagation by recirculating fiber loop

Opt Express. 2016 Aug 22;24(17):18938-47. doi: 10.1364/OE.24.018938.


Enabled by an enhanced effective index separation (Δneff = 1.7 × 10-4) and low transmission loss (0.8dB/km), OAM states are propagated over 13.4km in an air core fiber using a recirculating fiber loop. We observe that intermodal crosstalk decreases rapidly with increasing effective index separation, Δneff, and an order of magnitude lower crosstalk may be achieved just by doubling Δneff. We find that, in agreement with coupled power theory, our fiber has mode coupling properties analogous to elliptical core PM fibers, which yield ~10 × or more lower crosstalk than for conventional LP fiber mode orders with the same Δneff. This confirms that, for OAM modes, birefringent perturbations rather than shape perturbations matter most. In the process of performing the loop experiment, we demonstrate that OAM states in these fibers can be preserved with low loss (≤ 0.2dB) and low crosstalk (-15dB) while splicing distinct segments of the air-core fiber. For well-designed fibers, we demonstrate that OAM modes can travel distances relevant for large-scale data centers.