A 32 year-old male presented with a pulsatile facial mass with palpable thrill and audible bruit. Imaging revealed a very large diffuse left-sided facial arteriovenous malformation with extensive bilateral supply, as well as a previously ligated left external carotid artery. Endovascular treatment was required to control associated hemorrhagic events as well as for palliation and was delivered via the contralateral and ipsilateral collateral supply because of ligation of the direct route to the nidus. In addition, the patient received intravenous bevacizumab and intraarterial bleomycin therapy. Under such circumstances, endovascular embolization remains often the only option when emergent therapy for massive haemorrhage is required. Collaboration and treatment planning with head and neck surgery is imperative and should be performed from the onset, avoiding disastrous ligation of arterial feeders.
Keywords: arteriovenous malformations; biological therapy; haemorrhage; maxillofacial abnormalities; pathologic angiogenesis.