Objective: To investigate the relationship between muscle strength and motor function and between these variables and age.
Method: Muscle strength was measured by Medical Research Council (MRC) scale and motor function, by Motor Function Measure (MFM), in 40 non-ambulatory patients. Spearman tests investigated the relationships between muscle strength, motor function and age.
Results: Total MRC and MFM scores were strongly related to each other (r = 0.94; p < 0.001), but not to age (r = -0.19, r = -0.31, respectively; p > 0.05). Strong and moderate relationships between partial muscle strength and motor function scores were found. Higher correlation coefficients were found between total scores and Dimensions 2 (axial/ proximal control) and 3 (distal control) of MFM.
Conclusion: Muscle strength and motor function are strongly correlated and seem to decrease proportionally in DMD.