The use of chemical devices for non-surgical periodontal therapy has led to new treatment strategies aiming primarily at infection control and oral bacterial load. Over the last few decades adjunctive chemical devices has been subjected to many scientific and medical studies. The purpose of the present study was to assess the effect of a new oral gel named Parodongel on the red complex organisms using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for microbiological analysis. A total of 10 patients with a diagnosis of chronic periodontitis in the age group >25 years, were selected. None of these patients had received any surgical or non-surgical periodontal therapy and demonstrated radiographic evidence of moderate bone loss. Four non-adjacent sites in separate quadrants were selected in each patient for monitoring based on criteria that the sites will localize chronic periodontitis. Microbial analysis (MA) was performed at baseline and at day 15. Paired T-Test was used to detect statistical significant reduction of specific bacteria. The results showed statistically significant reduction of the overall bacterial loading and Treponema Denticola from baseline to day 15. Parodongel can be used as an effective local drug delivery together with oral home care in treatment of chronic periodontitis.