Essex-Lopresti injuries (ELIs) are characterized by fracture of the radial head, disruption of the forearm interosseous membrane, and dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint. This injury pattern results in axial and longitudinal instability of the forearm. Initial radiographs may fail to reveal the full extent of the injury, and therefore diagnosis in the acute setting requires a high index of suspicion. Early recognition and treatment are preferred as failure to fully treat the problem may result in chronic wrist pain from ulnar abutment or chronic elbow pain from radiocapitellar arthrosis. In this article the presentation, relevant anatomy, and management options for ELIs are overviewed, and a summary of outcomes reported in the literature is provided. Additionally, the preferred surgical technique of the senior author is presented, which involves reconstruction of the interosseous membrane with a local pronator rerouting autograft.
Keywords: Essex-Lopresti injury; central band; forearm instability; interosseous membrane; pronator rerouting.